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A Five-Session Mini-Series To Grow Your Ministry in '22 
5 Sessions | 22 Minutes | Previously Aired October 21 – November 18

Watch 5x22: A mini-series to help grow your ministry and build engagement in '22 presented by the  Effective Ministry Team
At just 22 minutes long, these bite-sized sessions are packed with critical ideas for '22 and are brief enough to attend while enjoying your morning coffee. At the end of this series you will have gained practical tools and strategies to help move your ministry forward in 2022.

Session One | Legacy Planning: 4 Things To Do in '22
Session led by Dave Travis Strategic Counsel to Pastors & Church Boards

We will all leave a legacy. It can be good. It can be bad. Most will leave an unintentional legacy. But great legacies can be intentional and planned. Whether you are a mid-career pastor or a late-season pastor, there are things you can do in 2022 to prepare for a great legacy season. Dave will share four principles, tools, and action steps to take in the near future that lead to productive future ministry seasons for the next season and for the legacy season.

Session Two | 4 Ways to Maximize Your Weekend Services Experience Without Killing Your Team in '22
Session led by Dave Ronne Weekend Experience Strategist 

In this season where churches are rebuilding, redefining, and regathering, it is even more critical that we make the most of the next season. This session will take a look at how to maximize our weekend services, and create communication to better convey the deeply personal stories of how God is using the mission and vision of your church without burning out your team.   

Dave addresses four common problems churches tend to run into, and action steps you can take next season to address them.

Session Three | 5 Tools to Lead Your Best Team in '22
Session led by Jon Wright Executive Pastor Strategist 

Want to experience the joy of leading an amazing team in 2022? This session will provide you with five simple, actionable ideas that you can implement with your team—immediately moving them toward a healthier culture, stronger engagement, and greater ministry impact.

Session Four |  Three Keys to a Durable Digital Ministry
Session led by Greg Ligon Lead Pastor Services

In March 2020 most churches made a dramatic emergency pivot. Those that had never invested in livestreaming or gave little attention to digital means of ministry got serious fast. Hero leaders threw things at the wall to see what would stick. Many have continued in that mode while simultaneously trying to get people “back in the building.” But a braver few are now realizing: This has to be a part of our ministry focus for the next two to three years. And most are realizing that it can’t just be a stream of content.  In this 22-minute session, learn three keys to making your digital ministry work.

Session Five |  3 Social Media Strategies to Attract Your Local Community in '22
Session led by Jessica Bealer Director of Family Ministry

As we begin to look to the future and plan the next season of ministry, it's important for us to increase visibility in our local communities. In this 22-minute session, we'll talk about three ways that can help you better engage with those outside your church and ultimately spur growth.

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